10 research outputs found

    Study of Space Station propulsion system resupply and repair Final report

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    Resupply and repair capabilities for orbital space station bipropellant propulsion syste

    Análisis de los servicios de test del VIH de cinco centros comunitarios españoles para la mejora de nuevas estrategias de promoción del diagnóstico precoz

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    Background: In recent years, the number of people tested for HIV has experienced a significant increase. The purpose of this study is to analyze data obtained in Spain in the HIV testing services of five Community Centres members of Agrupación Prueba de VIHda throughout 2014 and 2015,to determine its effectiveness and to characterize the subpopulation with a HIV reactive result. Study design and methods: agrupación Prueba de VIHda performed free, anonymous and confidential HIV tests according to the Consolidated guidelines on HIV testing services of WHO (2015). Data were collected using the questionnaire of the COBATEST network, developed by the COBATEST Project, and its significance was determined statistically. Results: 3061 HIV tests were performed during 2014 and 2015, with a prevalence of reactive results of 2.5%. Heterosexual and bisexual men got tested at older ages than homosexual men and women. Non-Spanish origin seems to be a risk factor for HIV infection within the sample. Bisexual men showed as high prevalence of reactive test as homosexual men, as well as they reported less previous HIV tests. Finally, index testing performed by HIV positive peer educators to the sexual partners of newly diagnosed patients showed higher prevalence than that of the classical Voluntary Counselling and Testing approach outreach most at risk populations. Conclusion:The analysis of the data shows higher prevalence of reactive results in people of non-Spanish origin compared to that of the Spanish subgroup, the former still facing barriers to access the public health system in Spain. It also demonstrates the need of new and adapted approaches for promoting early diagnosis specifically in bisexual men. Index testing by peer HIV positive educators is a highly effective method for testing people at high risk of acquiring HIV infection.Antecedentes: En los últimos años, el número de personas sometidas a pruebas frente al VIH ha experimentado un aumento significativo. El propósito de este estudio es analizar los datos de prevalencia de la infección por VIH obtenidos por cinco centros comunitarios en España pertenecientes a la Agrupación Prueba de VIHda entre 2014 y 2015, determinar su efectividad y caracterizar la subpoblación con un resultado preliminar reactivo. Diseño experimental y métodos: La Agrupación Prueba de VIHda realizó pruebas de VIH gratuitas, anónimas y confidenciales de acuerdo con las directrices consolidadas por la OMS (2015). Los datos fueron recogidos mediante el cuestionario desarrollado por el Proyecto COBATEST y su significación se determinó estadísticamente. Resultados: Durante 2014 y 2015 se realizaron un total de 3061 pruebas frente al VIH, obteniendo una prevalencia de resultados preliminares positivos del 2,5%. Los hombres heterosexuales y bisexuales se realizaron la prueba a edades más avanzadas que los hombres homosexuales y las mujeres. Las personas de origen no español parecieron mostrar un mayor riesgo de infección frente al VIH. Hombres bisexuales mostraron una prevalencia elevada similar a la de hombres homosexuales, así como declararon menos pruebas anteriores frente al VIH. Finalmente, las pruebas realizadas a través de indextesting por los educadores pares de VIH a parejas sexuales de pacientes recién diagnosticados mostraron una prevalencia superior a la obtenida por el modelo tradicional de counselling y testado voluntario ofrecido desde los centros comunitarios a poblaciones de mayor riesgo. Conclusión: El análisis de los datos muestra mayores prevalencias de resultados preliminares reactivos en personas de origen no español comparadas con aquellas del subgrupo de personas españolas, el primero de ellos todavía enfrentando barreras de acceso al sistema sanitario público en España, El análisis también demuestra la necesidad de nuevos enfoques adaptados para promover el diagnóstico precoz especialmente entre hombres bisexuales. Las pruebas realizadas a través de indextesting por educadores pares VIH positivos es un método muy eficaz para el testado de las personas con alto riesgo de contraer la infección por VIH

    A Comparison of Two Spelling Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Visual P3 and SSVEP in Locked-In Syndrome

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    <div><p>Objectives</p><p>We study the applicability of a visual P3-based and a Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP)-based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for mental text spelling on a cohort of patients with incomplete Locked-In Syndrome (LIS).</p><p>Methods</p><p>Seven patients performed repeated sessions with each BCI. We assessed BCI performance, mental workload and overall satisfaction for both systems. We also investigated the effect of the quality of life and level of motor impairment on the performance.</p><p>Results</p><p>All seven patients were able to achieve an accuracy of 70% or more with the SSVEP-based BCI, compared to 3 patients with the P3-based BCI, showing a better performance with the SSVEP BCI than with the P3 BCI in the studied cohort. Moreover, the better performance of the SSVEP-based BCI was accompanied by a lower mental workload and a higher overall satisfaction. No relationship was found between BCI performance and level of motor impairment or quality of life.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Our results show a better usability of the SSVEP-based BCI than the P3-based one for the sessions performed by the tested population of locked-in patients with respect to all the criteria considered. The study shows the advantage of developing alternative BCIs with respect to the traditional matrix-based P3 speller using different designs and signal modalities such as SSVEPs to build a faster, more accurate, less mentally demanding and more satisfying BCI by testing both types of BCIs on a convenience sample of LIS patients.</p></div